who should be agent


come their

Sunday, August 22, 2010

my best friends on chobots

i got alot of friends on chobots so hear are some of them

1st place is going to adora woot for adora she is cookie master one of my favroutsmy bestest friend on chobots the qween of nicness she is my awesomest friend on chobots and will always be my favrouit person

2nd best friend wolf4man one of my best friends he helped with my blog onbe of my favrouts

3rd clear my first ever agent friend and one of my favrouits

4th alighf my trusted and helper happy person xD hes one of my favroiuts
thats the top 4

5th my real life dad and one of my bestest favrouts is dragonflydaniel m favroiut

6th minimembo123 one of my best friends he wom lots of comments award on my blog and one of my favrouits

7th puffles is kinda one of my best friend becouse she is nice sweet and aweosme

8th sweetie101 she is one of my newboarn agents so i quit for alittle while when i was about 0 to 98 days old on chobots then she was my first agent she rules and she is my best and favrout agent on chobots

9th bryanx123 a good friend and trusted as not a hacker

10th that 10th is chasewest one of my favrouts one of my bests and my best freind on chobots :)

11th last but not least alirea aka neopets she is the most active ones on my list one of my best friends and one of my favrouts she is crazy about tinyhxat but some people are xD

ill make more but u gotta earn it


  1. Aww thanks buddy! You are a great friend to me and a helper to xD


  2. thats from coltonrox xDDD my name always say colton

  3. Thanks dude and thanks for say im ur best friend


thanks for leaving comment i will always get back to you