who should be agent


come their

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

i emailed this to support :)

Hello my name is coltonrox and you know blade he deserves to be agent agin becouse if he is not i will be sad very sad becous ehe deserves agent he is very nice he helped me when i needed help so i really think he should be agent you know why becouse he i was crying very much on cafe street he came up to me and said hey do you need any help or a hug or a tour how did you think that made me feel very nice thats aweosme i said no one even bothered to coem near me then he logged on and he saw me and said why so said becouse you should be happy like all the other chobots so i will do anything to help you to be happy that was the nicest thing some one ever said to me please make him a agent he really deserves it when he was agent he helped 2! chobots at a time and im not very old very very yound 9 years old and how did you make me feel so happy he almost made me cry he was so nice thank you so much i said so please mention this to vayer and all the rest of mods becouse i really think he deserves it same thing with gonzales he got random chat ban for nothing and de agented he deserves badge back and chat back thank you remember please make him agent and this is from me coltonrox check out my blog itscoltonrox.blogspot.com -coltonrox-

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