who should be agent


come their

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Guys shhhhh...
I made coltonrox a graffiti sig....
I made coltonrox a banner...
Don't tell him...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mah own clothing design

Hi guys!!!


Type that down to see my own clothing design!!!
Its a blizzard magic!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

blader is a betrader

Guys if u are blades friend unfriend him also he was swearing up more in pc i deleted pc so i didnt get that pic report blade

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hi guys.
Sorry I haven't been posting much:(
I had to catch up on alot of homework!!!
But now that I got easy stuff like division and stuff:P
I can post stuff more often!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My banner!

This is my banner!!!


Look at gerrards banner!!!
asoooomi made it!!
The lights in the backround change color but it wouldn't let it movexD
Awesome banner!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


as u can see 123jas123 is hacking chobots non stop if u see this person report him and ignore him but if u see him tell everyone their is a hacker names 123jas123 tell where he is and go to agents under ground citizens go to citizens hq and tell all agents imediatly. get away from this perosn


Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hello guys!!!!
There's is going to be a drawing contest!!!
Please do not look for pictures off the internet And edit them:)
You may use the chobots wall or paint!!!
When done please uploadit to tiny pic and please comment a link:)

Quickee party!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You guys doing jessies contest?
Try it!!!!

Joneth gets 15 days of citizenship.
Sahilsahil - 10 days and snake0 - 5 days of free citizenship.
Congrats guys!

Party People!!!!

Hello guys!!!
Theres going to be a drawing party like there was for the agent wall.
Now its the citizens wall!!!
Now citizens can darw on it!!!:D
See you guys there!!!!:D
Partyplace:citizens wall underground

Awesome citizen clothes!!!:D With a dash of MW2!!!

New join!!

Hello guys I am now working for colton!!!!!:D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


dont want you to miss out :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

funniest pic ever look

this is a funny picture worked on it super hard non stop lot of uploading and that enjoy

yo peeps contest time

hey guys im gonna do a contest and this time its gonna be aweosme
the contest is about remembarance day i know it passes already but still we will still do it be creative anything aloud but has to be turkey and kinda funny win ner will be posted on blog and will recieve 10000 bugs
comment link

Monday, November 8, 2010

funny pic

hey guys i made this pic ill show you in the comments

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

goldbulland coltonrox

hey guys me and goldbull mixed our magic and seen what it maked it was hard to capture the rigght moment here's the pic

Friday, October 22, 2010

This is for sahil

hey guys i wanna say to sahil ty for everything and u rock ;)

New Clothes! Winter Style ;)

Guys guys!
Check the new clothes!! :D

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

to gonzales

this is what i sent to support for gonzales

Hey its me coltonrox u know gonzales he is my best friend he helped me helped me 2 times today he is super nice when i was on my other account ^.^ first oen to come up to me welcome to chobots need anyhelp at all tour or anything u can pc me for help or talk in generail im like thanks ur the best perosn ever thank you he is the ebst eprosn on chobots should be an agent and im recomending him 5 times he should be agent he deserves it he is like a helping machine i cant stop him from helping he will drop anytihng if he has to eat drops is food and says hey hi need help tour and welcome to chboots i was sad once he helped me cheered me up he was very nice to me so i hope he gets agent please make him agent again he realy deserves it he helped me with litarly everything life problems chobots problems he is the nciest chboot on earth please make him agent ty


Sunday, October 17, 2010


hey guys i was board so look at this funn picture i got it of ernest scarred stupied

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

0.0 i had to go 0.0

guys can i have privasy 0.0 god

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

hey guya!

hey guys im starting a new club called chohelps on the side of the page it will say chohelps its where say if jessie2000 comes on the blog and go's to cho helps and say hey i need help first person to awesor it right and helps them they get 1coltonrox cookie 2 puppies 3 hugs 4 kitty's :D thats good and also im starting cookie of the week i will award this someone on cho who i see being good good maner's an following rules :D the perosn of the week who gets coltonrox cookie is... SHYBLISS!congratz -gives coltonrox cookie- their u go try to win next one people

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Agent Of The Day Is.....

Coltonrox Is in 1st Place Lackygirl123 3thrd peacemaker 4th and julez in 10th place :( sorry julez And the Winner Is................


The rest of u get a cookie cause im nice

Saturday, September 25, 2010

missed the epic party its right here

her is some pics of the party i hope u enjoy

Monday, September 20, 2010

we are mods we are mod

hey guys geuse what me and halloween2009 are mods :DDDDD XD take a look

hey guys geuse what me and halloween2009 are mods :DDDDD XD take a look

Friday, September 17, 2010

should you be agent?

hey guys im gonna be telling people that on my friend list who should be agent but who cares lets say it on here this is your chance to become agent rigth here right now here's what you gotta do its fast and easy its like ahp but faster ahp is 10 weeks 0.0 i cant wait that long then go on here here is what you gotta do their will be 10 people in the contest winner will be sended to royal the new mod and support and very good chance they become agent comment saying yes or no or awesor qeustion

1. whats your chobot name

2. how old is your chobot (has to be over 200 or u cant join sorry but its rules)

3. why should you be agent and how good will you help people

and finally 4.who was the first person you helped in chobots (if you dont remember just say idk) (or if you dont remember you can take pc of helping a chobot in pc so i can see and post it)

hey guys items comming soon

like the items?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

chobot of da week

chobot of da week

aperantly minembo doesnt wanna do chobot of da week he said he would so im gonna do it somtimes

loook at what i made :D

yo look at whats our next game :D

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey guys its minembo i have got an update for u there will be a photo of a chobot of the week

Saturday, September 11, 2010

hey guys whats up

hey guys im trying to add alot more stuff to blog and who ever visites this blog has to comment on one of my post and follow

and guys im gonna be holding a contest who wants to be an auther on my blog i will wait idk 5 days and if people are commenting and following they will be permanent authers on my blog only 2 poeple will be on the blog comment here's what u gotta putawsor yes or no and put your blog name i dont want wordpress only blogger

1.have to have 5 or more followers on their blog

2. be active very active like posting 1 or twice a day

3. have to post interesting things exp (hey guys lets go have fun)

4 has to follow and comment on two of my new posts

5. take a picture of you helping a cho in pc

comment saying you blogspot blog and saying yes or no

Thursday, September 9, 2010


hey whats up guys i might quit i lost all my money everyy last peny so i might if i do i will have a awesome party with alot of magic so but ill be on youtube and blogger so i had 40325 bugs and i was being stupied and poof their gone



Thursday, September 2, 2010

wooot party timee

i just got citizen and im so happy im having a party you might not show up but it will start on september 10'th cya their oh yea server choclate place citizen underground

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chobots agent rules reminder

Become an Agent!you all know about the agent rules lemme remind u Agents always help. They help new Chobots to explore Chobots World. They help moderators to find and ban Nichos who use bad words or cheat. They help to develop Chobots world and spread news about it in their blogs and invite their friends.

Q: What preferences agents have?

A: Basically, agents do not have additional preferences. It is a voluntary work. But they are the most trustful Chobots and they have own badge. Also, they can draw the wall, since we know they will create only great art. Have a look what one of our agents created!

Q: How to become an agent?

A: First, you should learn the rules and secrets of Chobots world. Be patient, because it takes time. Usually it takes a month to become an agent. But for most active Chobots it can be done in a couple of weeks! Secondly, become a friend of one of our agents and help them, so they recommend you. Also, you need to do something cool like inviting your friends or making a blog or a short real about Chobots. And of course, you should look nice, lol! :)

Note: Please ask your parents before making any of these activities.

Q: Who is Chobot?

A: You don't know Chobot? LOL! He is our first and still the greatest agent so far. He's in Chobots since 11th of October and we should thank to him for making our Chobots world better!


hi im the new auther For Coltonrox WOO HOO I am in charge of the partys and trackers so if you want to see my blog go to Minembo.blogspot.com ;)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

my best friends on chobots

i got alot of friends on chobots so hear are some of them

1st place is going to adora woot for adora she is cookie master one of my favroutsmy bestest friend on chobots the qween of nicness she is my awesomest friend on chobots and will always be my favrouit person

2nd best friend wolf4man one of my best friends he helped with my blog onbe of my favrouts

3rd clear my first ever agent friend and one of my favrouits

4th alighf my trusted and helper happy person xD hes one of my favroiuts
thats the top 4

5th my real life dad and one of my bestest favrouts is dragonflydaniel m favroiut

6th minimembo123 one of my best friends he wom lots of comments award on my blog and one of my favrouits

7th puffles is kinda one of my best friend becouse she is nice sweet and aweosme

8th sweetie101 she is one of my newboarn agents so i quit for alittle while when i was about 0 to 98 days old on chobots then she was my first agent she rules and she is my best and favrout agent on chobots

9th bryanx123 a good friend and trusted as not a hacker

10th that 10th is chasewest one of my favrouts one of my bests and my best freind on chobots :)

11th last but not least alirea aka neopets she is the most active ones on my list one of my best friends and one of my favrouts she is crazy about tinyhxat but some people are xD

ill make more but u gotta earn it

Thursday, August 19, 2010

i saved a life

Today was awesome so i was going swimming then i got out and went in change room their was this guy in their he was saying very pour langudge so i told a adult so 2 minutes later i went in teh change room and he was holding up a pocket knif to my friend i didnt go to to the change room to try to fight a grade 8 person with a pocket knif so i went and told an adult thats what you should do to but that is a true story :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

sweetie101 is back

!!!!!!!! you wont belive this you know sweetie101 she is back for good you know adora sweetie was my friend befour adora she was like my secound agent friend i had well aded the first bestest friend i ever had is adora :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

chobot laughs

daisy gets fat 0.0

Friday, August 13, 2010

chobots laughs

the gamezone finally grew some hair or did he steal it 0.0

chobots laughs

hes really losing it now first he fell in love with mr. rock (a real rock) and now a tree what now -.- 0.0

chobots laughs

hey guys im doing this for a while im going to put funny images on here not everyday though k



Thursday, August 12, 2010

racer game competittion:)

Heyy there !

I know you love this contest! And I'm sure everyone wants to win a citizenship :)
So let's start playing!
You have 4 days to show you can beat Nichos xD
Good luck chobots!

meet the new agents :)

Hello chos!

The poll is closed. Here are the results ->

Meet our new agents: Itune, Asoooomi, Ebtama, Peachiesocks and Chasewest.

Congratulations guys!
Hope you do great as agents =)

Have a nice day!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

i emailed this to support :)

Hello my name is coltonrox and you know blade he deserves to be agent agin becouse if he is not i will be sad very sad becous ehe deserves agent he is very nice he helped me when i needed help so i really think he should be agent you know why becouse he i was crying very much on cafe street he came up to me and said hey do you need any help or a hug or a tour how did you think that made me feel very nice thats aweosme i said no one even bothered to coem near me then he logged on and he saw me and said why so said becouse you should be happy like all the other chobots so i will do anything to help you to be happy that was the nicest thing some one ever said to me please make him a agent he really deserves it when he was agent he helped 2! chobots at a time and im not very old very very yound 9 years old and how did you make me feel so happy he almost made me cry he was so nice thank you so much i said so please mention this to vayer and all the rest of mods becouse i really think he deserves it same thing with gonzales he got random chat ban for nothing and de agented he deserves badge back and chat back thank you remember please make him agent and this is from me coltonrox check out my blog itscoltonrox.blogspot.com -coltonrox-

hacked agents

If you're an agent you MUST read this.

OK, I suppose you know about recent events with agents and hackers. There is a site called "Agents chat". I was once invited to it, I logged on, said "Hi!", left and never came back.
So the rumors that I'm on there are just rumors. I ask you not to visit such sites.
I de-agented two (!!!) people today. They have visited that chat and somehow their accounts got hacked.
I want you to know that from now on de-agented agents WILL NOT BECOME AN AGENTS AGAIN. I want you to remember it!
Agents MUST know about safety on Chobots. They MUST recognize hackers and do not fall after their tricks!
You must remember! If you don't give out your password/email address - you're SAFE!
I play Chobots for more than 500 days and I never got hacked! Tell me why? Coz my password is strong and I keep it secret.
There's something else in this story. We know that all agents were hacked by 1 person from that chat. So if you live near Quezon city you can tell him "Hi" from me. Jk
Many times we said that no mod would ever ask you for your password! Plz, do not give it to anyone ever!
Ok, that's all I wanted to say.
Don't use such suspicious chats, make sure that your pass is strong enough, contact me if you want to report someone.


Monday, August 9, 2010

pokemon thing of day

did you know that i just got a job for a designer for pokemon so im giving you a tip i make pokemon and i will make one so email me your design and im will give it the creater of pokemon and he make it into a card email me at coltonpommer@gmail.com


Hello. Its me alirea! I recentley joined here :D

who are you voting for?
remember dont cheat and if you see anyone cheating contact support@chobots.com :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

pokemon of day

geuse who got to make a pokemon i am friends with nitendo and the person who created pokemon they let me creat palkia's evolve form becouse their bussy with dialga's but i didnt make the name its weird the name its called spikher the attacks are stab speacial crystal and speacial bite and off coarse twin but spikher is a godmother and deminaga is a god gods and godmothers can do anything they want so they have unlimited moves and unlimited attacks they can us any attack ven if their week against it :)

pokemon of the day stuff

hey today im starting something about pokemon pokemon like i post soemthing about pokemon every day :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010


also palkia their focusing on deminaga so i will be emailed when their working on palkia ;) stay tunned :)

also dialga

sorry its just painted i did becouse they wouldnt give me picture so i sketched it :)i tryed my best and the name is deminaga dialga was the god now he is the god king!!! all hail deminaga


i know this didnt have anything to do with chobots but then i talked with the person who created pokemon thats right created and he said their working on evolving dialga they pictures id but they only make 2 attacks for it so here is sneek peek i got to make one of they lazor firer so dalga says ima firoah mah lazah xDD and the other attack in stab all the spikes and swords on him attack at him and the final move well their saying this is the 3rd move special diamond only dialga can have this move twins that move is going to be the best move on pokemon its where pakia and dialga come togeather and palkia uses her crystal and palkia uses his diamond and then the diamond and crystal form into a ball then it shoot and them and it doesnt make the pokemon faint it hits their wekk spot and it kills them so just letting you know 8) :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

dont do this


hey im back and stay tunned :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010


i wont be on for 2 3 days becouse im going to p.a cya in 2 3 days guys ;)))))))) i will ask adora to take care of my blog or plunder or puffles ;)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

contest off i found out ;)


coltonrox: mom get me my drink mom: no get it yur self boso :coltonrox im not boso im not a clown boso the clown is at the circus across the street duhh and i need to go to school mom: yes u do need to go to school thts why you said the circus is acres the street do the math coltonrox: their is no math in thats qeustion and idk math you do math sucka hehhehehehehehehehehe
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I CANT FIGURE THIS OUT OH WAIT AM I ON POST MOMMMMMM GET MY GLASSES LOL can someone make me a coltonrox tracker please do ty person who does one get 1000 bugs ;)


sorry testing trackers lol

Thursday, July 29, 2010


sorry im not getting chobots pictures im to busy but you got one ;)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

anime room

here is anime room :)