who should be agent


come their

Friday, May 14, 2010

gratz to new agent and gonzales nice muscles

Hey guys coltornox here and today im congratzing to new agent witch is elementxtreme congratz and im so sorry to hear taht your friend is quiting i hope this cheeres you up everyone if yoou see him say welcome to the agents and also say your best ever and im hearing alot of peple are bullying guys you guys bully and your in trouble and guys agent dont ignore you they have lots of work so yea and they have lots of messeges and trust me this agppened to me adora ignored me but i found out she was helping the new agent and i was ok with that trust me guys they dont change they get more work and sometimes you shouldent bother them becouse they need break so i just wanted to get taht clear and dont beg for adds o agents unless they want to so and gonzlaes did i see superman or is that you i can tbelive your so strong i know whya nd everyone can you it to all you need to do is pc people and say do you need help and if they say i do say ok i will help you and if anyone has a sad face come over and help them say whats wrong and if you see bad people report and ignore and get someone like me or agent to help remember fighting never salves anything never start a fight you you get aweosme muscles like gonzales so do what i just said please and you becouse like gonzales fast and tip the ways to be a agent i will report next time thanks for your time.

sincerly coltonrox

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