who should be agent


come their

Thursday, May 20, 2010

gratz on voters on who shall be agent!

hey evryone im voteing first who should be mod adora who should be agent im voting three first sk8ter and i will post more later

Friday, May 14, 2010

how become agent

i think you know how to becoume agent first you follow all rules you can read them at bottom of the blog and also be ncie and always listen to others and other people and you can also be voted on the chobot main blog when the agent poll comes up yea so yea do that for becoming agent ok guys

gratz to new agent and gonzales nice muscles

Hey guys coltornox here and today im congratzing to new agent witch is elementxtreme congratz and im so sorry to hear taht your friend is quiting i hope this cheeres you up everyone if yoou see him say welcome to the agents and also say your best ever and im hearing alot of peple are bullying guys you guys bully and your in trouble and guys agent dont ignore you they have lots of work so yea and they have lots of messeges and trust me this agppened to me adora ignored me but i found out she was helping the new agent and i was ok with that trust me guys they dont change they get more work and sometimes you shouldent bother them becouse they need break so i just wanted to get taht clear and dont beg for adds o agents unless they want to so and gonzlaes did i see superman or is that you i can tbelive your so strong i know whya nd everyone can you it to all you need to do is pc people and say do you need help and if they say i do say ok i will help you and if anyone has a sad face come over and help them say whats wrong and if you see bad people report and ignore and get someone like me or agent to help remember fighting never salves anything never start a fight you you get aweosme muscles like gonzales so do what i just said please and you becouse like gonzales fast and tip the ways to be a agent i will report next time thanks for your time.

sincerly coltonrox

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

hey guys its adora

Hey guys adora is being sweet as always so i want to let more people on so go to itsadora.blogspot.com she is awesome she always makes me smile and im hiring people who can make trackers please come and a big thanks to alighf adora and sweetie you guys rule and thanks alighf for making me get good jb on picture id di adora thanks for always making me laghf and smiling and their is more thing taht you do and sweetie tahnks for being nice doing whatever you can to keep chobots safe and taht gos out to all of the agents and real sweetie why you ahev to quit you amde it this far and you throw all it away well its your choice thanks all the people and ps: guys im not realy going to to freind of day and word of day im just doing agent of the day now k guys so yea and the agent of the day is adora gratz so guys keep on behaving and keep up good work and i almost forgot their is agent poll coming up so get your ideas on who should be agent.

sincerly coltonrox

sweetie is leaving tommorow :( :(

Hi guys its said sweetie is leavign and wont come back for 3 years we should throw party she is nice who agress i think we all ok guys we are going to at park 20:00 chobot time k guys agents mostly comes it would be nice if mods come to so please try to make it k.

sincerly coltonrox

Sunday, May 9, 2010

should i be agent or not?

Hey guys im running for agent and im really wondering if i should be agent ok guys im sending this to the team and showing so comment on this and say if i should be agent and also here is the other thing like i said im giving this tothe team so you vote for anyone on here but please vote for thanks and you have to check see if i behave then you vote k thanks

sincerly coltonrox

Friday, May 7, 2010

word of day

hey guys its me again and i have word of day and also the agent of day i know i already did it today but i like this agent she always helps me she is a real friend winner is adora!!!!!!!!!!! her blog is: itsadora.blogspot.com ok the word of day is frap again but not realy funy anymore but congratz

agent mod of day

agent of the day lolz552 well today their will be 3 first lolz552 secound wolf4man 3 minembo123
mod of the day only one again an geuss who alighf again he made picture about a week ago and i made it on paper for class i got pat on back lol so one more time and alighf will be sent to the mod zone well he might.

sincerly coltonrox

firend day

friend of day is lolz552 she won it becouse she funny and nice

Thursday, May 6, 2010

te word of the day is

the word of the day is frap and the word is created by wolf4man congratz you one two contests the vote rate is 2 i more if i like it more and becomes the word of the day and i will say frap to so yes and when i saw that word it made me lagh so hard so i gave it a rate 2 thanks wolf4man you made my day yesterday but still

word that friends say

hey guy i know i should stop posting on one day but too day another contest the word of the day if i like the word i will start saying it and they will be added to blog but win it 3 times its hard the way to win it if you keep on saying it if i like it alot and give the vote 3 then you get added to blog and its word pf the day and if you leave comment on the word of the day in the comment you have to use the word.

the firnd of the day is

the friend of the day is wolf4man congratulations

freind of the day

hey guys im making the firnd of the day and today tthe friend of the day is i will announce it later to earn it you ahve to be nice never be mean to me and you have to be my frined prize is a add to my blog but you have to win it 3 times

the agent/mod of the day

Hey guys the mod and agent of the day are the modorator of the day is alighf the agent of the day is minembo123 i will post more tommorow.

sincerly coltonrox


hey guys im starting a contest and its called the agent of the day or mod of the day if their not agent and if their nic eand win agent of the day three times i will vote for them by email so try hard oh ya i almost forgot and if they win mod of day they have to be agent and i will vote for them to be mod tell me if you like this idea thanks

sincerly coltonrox

strating off

hey guys its me coltonrox and i want to start off by that i will start with chobot rules first no dating secound no swearing third no spamming and lots of other stuff ok im writing another thing write now