who should be agent


come their

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mah own clothing design

Hi guys!!!


Type that down to see my own clothing design!!!
Its a blizzard magic!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

blader is a betrader

Guys if u are blades friend unfriend him also he was swearing up more in pc i deleted pc so i didnt get that pic report blade

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hi guys.
Sorry I haven't been posting much:(
I had to catch up on alot of homework!!!
But now that I got easy stuff like division and stuff:P
I can post stuff more often!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My banner!

This is my banner!!!


Look at gerrards banner!!!
asoooomi made it!!
The lights in the backround change color but it wouldn't let it movexD
Awesome banner!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


as u can see 123jas123 is hacking chobots non stop if u see this person report him and ignore him but if u see him tell everyone their is a hacker names 123jas123 tell where he is and go to agents under ground citizens go to citizens hq and tell all agents imediatly. get away from this perosn


Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hello guys!!!!
There's is going to be a drawing contest!!!
Please do not look for pictures off the internet And edit them:)
You may use the chobots wall or paint!!!
When done please uploadit to tiny pic and please comment a link:)

Quickee party!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You guys doing jessies contest?
Try it!!!!

Joneth gets 15 days of citizenship.
Sahilsahil - 10 days and snake0 - 5 days of free citizenship.
Congrats guys!

Party People!!!!

Hello guys!!!
Theres going to be a drawing party like there was for the agent wall.
Now its the citizens wall!!!
Now citizens can darw on it!!!:D
See you guys there!!!!:D
Partyplace:citizens wall underground

Awesome citizen clothes!!!:D With a dash of MW2!!!

New join!!

Hello guys I am now working for colton!!!!!:D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


dont want you to miss out :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

funniest pic ever look

this is a funny picture worked on it super hard non stop lot of uploading and that enjoy

yo peeps contest time

hey guys im gonna do a contest and this time its gonna be aweosme
the contest is about remembarance day i know it passes already but still we will still do it be creative anything aloud but has to be turkey and kinda funny win ner will be posted on blog and will recieve 10000 bugs
comment link

Monday, November 8, 2010

funny pic

hey guys i made this pic ill show you in the comments