who should be agent


come their

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Agent Of The Day Is.....

Coltonrox Is in 1st Place Lackygirl123 3thrd peacemaker 4th and julez in 10th place :( sorry julez And the Winner Is................


The rest of u get a cookie cause im nice

Saturday, September 25, 2010

missed the epic party its right here

her is some pics of the party i hope u enjoy

Monday, September 20, 2010

we are mods we are mod

hey guys geuse what me and halloween2009 are mods :DDDDD XD take a look

hey guys geuse what me and halloween2009 are mods :DDDDD XD take a look

Friday, September 17, 2010

should you be agent?

hey guys im gonna be telling people that on my friend list who should be agent but who cares lets say it on here this is your chance to become agent rigth here right now here's what you gotta do its fast and easy its like ahp but faster ahp is 10 weeks 0.0 i cant wait that long then go on here here is what you gotta do their will be 10 people in the contest winner will be sended to royal the new mod and support and very good chance they become agent comment saying yes or no or awesor qeustion

1. whats your chobot name

2. how old is your chobot (has to be over 200 or u cant join sorry but its rules)

3. why should you be agent and how good will you help people

and finally 4.who was the first person you helped in chobots (if you dont remember just say idk) (or if you dont remember you can take pc of helping a chobot in pc so i can see and post it)

hey guys items comming soon

like the items?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

chobot of da week

chobot of da week

aperantly minembo doesnt wanna do chobot of da week he said he would so im gonna do it somtimes

loook at what i made :D

yo look at whats our next game :D

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey guys its minembo i have got an update for u there will be a photo of a chobot of the week

Saturday, September 11, 2010

hey guys whats up

hey guys im trying to add alot more stuff to blog and who ever visites this blog has to comment on one of my post and follow

and guys im gonna be holding a contest who wants to be an auther on my blog i will wait idk 5 days and if people are commenting and following they will be permanent authers on my blog only 2 poeple will be on the blog comment here's what u gotta putawsor yes or no and put your blog name i dont want wordpress only blogger

1.have to have 5 or more followers on their blog

2. be active very active like posting 1 or twice a day

3. have to post interesting things exp (hey guys lets go have fun)

4 has to follow and comment on two of my new posts

5. take a picture of you helping a cho in pc

comment saying you blogspot blog and saying yes or no

Thursday, September 9, 2010


hey whats up guys i might quit i lost all my money everyy last peny so i might if i do i will have a awesome party with alot of magic so but ill be on youtube and blogger so i had 40325 bugs and i was being stupied and poof their gone



Thursday, September 2, 2010

wooot party timee

i just got citizen and im so happy im having a party you might not show up but it will start on september 10'th cya their oh yea server choclate place citizen underground